Light over Darkness


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Grab yourself a digital download of Bisola's latest EP 'Light over Darkness' now! You'll be able to immediately download and access all of the tracks on the EP which you can save on your phone or music device.

Tracks on the EP include 'Liar' which proved extremely popular with Bisola's fans when it was released and 'Shine On' which is an

Grab yourself a digital download of Bisola's latest EP 'Light over Darkness' now! You'll be able to immediately download and access all of the tracks on the EP which you can save on your phone or music device.

Tracks on the EP include 'Liar' which proved extremely popular with Bisola's fans when it was released and 'Shine On' which is an uplifting, upbeat song about overcoming and letting your what's special about you shine through despite what life throws at you.

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